Hot and Cold Diffusion

1) Fill one clear glass with cold water and another clear glass with hot water.
2) Place 1 drop of food coloring in each glass.
3) Observe the two glasses for 2 - 3 minutes.

Here are the results that I got using ice water and water heated to just below boiling:

1 second after adding the dye:
1 second
15 seconds after adding the dye:
15 seconds
30 seconds after adding the dye:
30 seconds
60 seconds after adding the dye:
1 minute
3 minutes after adding the dye:
3 minutes
In the hot water, it took about 30 seconds for the dye to completely mix with the water. With the cold water, it took much longer, over 3 minutes before all the water in the glass turned green.

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Last Updated: April 29, 2020
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