Our Adventures Beyond the Outback

Group photo at Uluru
Carrie, Julius, Michele and Glenn - the four intreped travelers at Uluru.

Page 14:
Goodby Julius and Carrie and on to Sydney
We said bittersweet goodbyes to Julius and Carrie at the Cairns Airport, they flying back home to Alice Springs and we on to Sydney.  Arriving there a few hours later, we were 
quickly swept by a shuttle van to the lovely little Hotel Challis. We explored the nearby neighborhood and stopped at a small Thai café, where the owner added nourishment to our pho with her kindness. With renewed energy, we checked out the finger wharf, one of five, sticking out into the bay before calling it a day.
Wharf Happy Sign
We spotted a comedy club and bought tickets for our final night in Australia.
Last Day
Sydney Opera House . . .
Sydney Opera House Michele

. . . Botanic Gardens . . .
Statue Statue
Oh, no! The dreaded rock tortoise is about to devour downtown Sydney!

Michele on tree Glenn on Tree
 and, appropriately enough, the Happy Endings Comedy Club.

Happy Ending

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Last Updated November 12, 2017
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Website contents ©2017 by Glenn Simonelli & Michele Stone.

Photographs by Julius Simonelli, Carrie Wallace, Glenn Simonelli & Michele Stone